Carmen Jacob

Carmen Jacob is the creator of several personal development programs, courses, and books, which focus on using what you already have to improve your life and the life of those around you.


3 Solid Ways to Create Lasting Employee Loyalty

Would you be surprised to discover that more than half of the workforce is unhappy about their work environment? For decades we believed that the monetary rewards for the jobs they do is enough incentive…

Avoid These 3 Bad Habits if You Don’t Want to Damage Your Business

There is a thin line between your image (in front of others) and the image of your business. Your business is a faceless entity; for that reason, when people think about choosing a service or…

2 Overlooked Skills That Are More Important Than You Think

You could have gotten away with many things before the rise of the internet, but now to succeed in business, you must continually improve your skills and knowledge. For that reason, I want to bring…

Let Go of These 5 Things to Become a Successful Solopreneur

Personal growth means to reinvent yourself. Change certain aspects and add something (new and more) to the many beautiful things you already are. That allows you to become the person you are intended to be:…

5 Not So Obvious Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Usually, advice is a well-intended opinion, optimism, and belief; most times it’s subjective and idealistic. However, what are you more inclined to listen and follow? The advice that someone gives you, or what you observe…